Welcome to the Anthropology of Japan in Japan Fall Meeting (2018) website. AJJ Fall Meeting is organized by the Anthropological Institute, Nanzan University and is co-sponsored by Asian Ethnology.

Please check out the Abstracts and Program for Reseachers and the Abstracts and Program for the Student Forum.



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Call for Papers

The Call for Papers is now closed.


When: 8 & 9 December, 2018

Location: Nanzan University, Nagoya

Theme: Displacements and Potentials

Contemporary Japan faces continuing social and cultural instability and upheaval. New patterns of displacement are emerging as socialization processes change and as economic realities filter through to major social institutions. Displacement can occur as a result of a sudden event, such as calamities like 3.11 and the ensuing humanitarian and economic crises. Displacement may develop through long-held prejudices that manifest in social inequalities. Major health issues, such as the rise of dementia in elderly people at a time when people are living longer and increasing cases of autism and other disorders, leave the medical system at a loss. Truancy is clearly a serious and continuing threat to the education system; on the one hand, while truancy amongst Japanese school-age children is investigated by local boards of education, the ever-increasing numbers of school-age children of foreign nationality, many of whom may feel displaced already in Japanese society, are not.

As gaps widen between social actors and social structure, giving rise to inevitable tensions, and as people find themselves in unknown and unfamiliar territory, they are forced to adjust their lives and cultural assumptions to deal with these situations. How do people negotiate the displacements of contemporary life? How do they reveal the potential that living with the unfamiliar raises? What possibilities do social media technologies offer? What can anthropological and other studies offer in terms of focusing their lenses on displacements and their potentials?

We invite proposals – individual papers and panels – that focus on the theme of displacements and potentials, in addition to welcoming proposals that offer different approaches. Continue reading “Call for Papers”

Submission and Registration Details


We welcome presentations in English or Japanese!

The submission deadline for proposals of Individual Papers and Panels has been extended to 5 November 2018.

The special focus of Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ) 2018 Fall Meeting is Displacements and Potentials. Topics could range from (but are not limited to) Education, Health, Aged care, Disability and representations of disability.

Individual Papers

The Organizing Committee will compile panels of up to 3 individual paper presenters. The time slot for a panel composed of individual papers is one hour and thirty minutes. Please note that the Organizing Committee will do its utmost to gather papers with the same theme together in a panel. In exceptional cases, this might prove difficult.

After submitting your proposal, a notification email will be sent to your email address informing you that the proposal has been successfully submitted. Please contact the Organizing Committee in case you have not received this notification (please check your spam folder as well before contacting us).

Organized Panels

Organized panels should consist of a chair, discussant (optional), and 3 presenters.

The time slot for an organized panel is one hour and thirty minutes.

We ask the convenor to submit the full panel proposal (panel title, panel abstract, participants’ details such as affiliation and contacts, abstracts of presenters, the proposed order of presenters, etc.). The panel proposal abstract and presenters’ abstracts can be up to 250 words. Please make sure that you have gathered the details of all participants (name, affiliation, email address, telephone numbers) before submitting.

Student Intercollege Forum

The AJJ 2018 Fall Meeting will also include a student intercollege forum. We warmly welcome undergraduate and graduate student proposals. These proposals can be organized by theme, or each school can create their own theme. Proposals may either address the Fall Meeting theme of Displacements and Potentials or go beyond it to reflect students’ research interests.

The presentation sessions last for 90 minutes. There could be group presentations (20 mins each; 4 or 5 presenters) or individual presentations (10 mins). Continue reading “Submission and Registration Details”



Ben Dorman
Andreas Riessland
Robert Croker
Roger Munsi Vanzila

For all inquiries. please contact the AJJ 2018 Fall Organizing Committee.